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6月13日、アライタ(Ahmed Araita Ali)前駐日ジブチ大使、マリールイズ・ルワンダの教育を考える会理事長、岩渕敦・保原ロータリークラブ名誉会員に、弊社会津喜多方工場を訪問いただきました。


On June 13th, His Excellency Amb. Ahmed Araita Ali, the former Ambassador of Djibouti, visited our Aizu Kitakata factory, accompanied by Ms. Marie Louise Towari, Chair of Board Members of Think about Education in Rwanda and Mr. Atsushi Iwabuchi, honorary member of Hobara Rotary Club.

We had a fruitful exchange of opinions with Ambassador for our company ‘s expansion into Africa.